
After How many weeks IVF pregnancy is considered safe?

There is no denying that IVF has turned out to be one of the most sought-after treatment options for treating various infertility issues within both men and women. Still, one of the most frequent concerns among intended parents after undergoing IVF treatment in Varanasi is to know when the pregnancy can be deemed safe. This is where it’s crucial to remember that there are risks associated with every pregnancy, even ones achieved through Infertility center in Varanasi. On the other hand, intended parents may feel more at ease at specific points during the pregnancy journey. 

Understanding the various timelines and risks associated with IVF

IVF is a mostly risk-free treatment. Yet, there are times when the patient undergoing the treatment may get exposed to certain risks and side effects.

1. Early Pregnancy (1- 6 Weeks) 

The process related to embryo development and implantation depends heavily on the early weeks of pregnancy. That said, this time frame is especially important for IVF pregnancies because the embryo must implant in the uterine lining after transfer. Moreover, the main risk during these initial weeks is early miscarriage or failure to implant, which regrettably can occur more frequently in IVF pregnancies than in naturally occurring conceptions. 

This is where a pregnancy test (usually a blood test for HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin) is performed about two weeks following the embryo transfer to confirm the pregnancy. If the test is positive, the pregnancy is thought to be viable, but close observation is still needed. 

 2. First Trimester (1–12 Weeks) 

Given that the foundations of the baby’s organs and body systems are being laid down, the first trimester is a crucial time. Also, the majority of miscarriages occur before the 12th week, making this trimester the most risky during the IVF treatment in Varanasi. It is believed that the rate of miscarriage in IVF pregnancies is marginally higher than in naturally occurring conceptions, especially in older or infertile women. 

To keep a closer eye on the pregnancy’s health during this period than might be the case with naturally conceived pregnancies, the intended parents might have further ultrasounds and tests performed. Hormonal blood tests and ultrasounds to verify the number of embryos implanted and check for a heartbeat are two examples of these tests. 

3. Second Trimester (Weeks 13–26) 

Pregnancy’s “safest” trimester is frequently regarded as the second trimester. After week 12, there is a significant decrease in the chance of miscarriage. Once they hit this point, many couples report feeling more stable. You may feel the baby move during the second trimester, which is also when the pregnancy becomes more noticeable. That said, you must still stay in touch with the experts of the infertility center in Varanasi.

Preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, which can happen regardless of how conception was achieved but may occur more frequently in pregnancies resulting from assisted reproductive technologies, are still monitored in IVF pregnancies despite the lower risks. 

4. Third Trimester (27 Weeks to childbirth ) 

Preterm labor, or labor that starts before 37 weeks, is one of the risks and challenges that come with entering the third trimester. At IVF hospitals in Varanasi, preterm labor occurs somewhat more frequently, particularly when multiple embryos are used. To make sure the baby is developing as planned, detailed scans are also performed during the third trimester to track the baby’s growth and position. 

Moreover, healthcare professionals offering female and male infertility treatment in Varanasi will continue to closely monitor the mother’s health during this time, managing any conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure that could affect the pregnancy. 

When is it Safe to Get Pregnant through IVF? 

While we now know the criticalities included within the IVF and surrogacy treatment in Varanasi, let’s get into the concern related to the safety of the process. Although it makes sense to look for a precise week when an IVF pregnancy can be considered safe, it’s crucial to remember that there are always random uncertainties with pregnancies. Nonetheless, many significant events are typically regarded as markers of a stable pregnancy: 

Following the First Trimester: After the first 12 weeks, there is a significant decrease in the chance of miscarriage during IVF treatment in Varanasi. Many people feel relieved when they enter the second trimester. 

24 weeks: 24 weeks of gestation is called the “viability week,” when a baby has a chance to survive outside the womb with medical help. Moreover, the likelihood of survival increases significantly every week after that, and long-term complications are decreased. 

37 Weeks: Babies are deemed full-term at 37 weeks gestation, and the majority of preterm risks are significantly reduced. 

How important is constant monitoring during Pregnancy?

As mentioned earlier, IVF or any surrogacy treatment in Varanasi may come along with certain complications at times. This is where frequent visits to the obstetrician or maternal-fetal medicine specialist are essential for couples undergoing in vitro fertilization. These medical professionals from IVF hospitals in Varanasi can offer the required care and monitoring because they specialize in high-risk pregnancies. In addition, since IVF can be a stressful procedure, emotional support is crucial. Counseling or support groups are popular places for couples to find solace because they allow them to talk to others who have been through similar experiences and worries. 

Final words

No matter if you are connecting with an infertility center in Varanasi or elsewhere, you have to stay updated and informed at every step. Also, making it through the first 12 weeks to the second trimester greatly lowers the risk of complications, though there is no set week beyond which an IVF pregnancy is assured to be safe. Throughout the pregnancy, ongoing care and observation can help in the management of any emerging problems, enhancing the overall well-being and safety of the procedure.

At the same time, you must connect with the finest experts offering female or male infertility treatment in Varanasi for the best results. That way, you can always expect the desired success without going through any hassles during your fertility journey. 

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